Brussel Sprouts with Bacon and Honey

1 pound of brussel sprouts
5-6 slices of bacon
1-2 tablespoons of honey
Fry bacon in a pan on the stove
While bacon is cooking, wash brussel sprouts
After washing, cut end off brussel sprouts and dice in half (make sure you dice with the leaves and not against)
Once bacon is cooked, remove it and set to the side
Pour half the bacon grease into a coffee mug and keep the other half in the pan
Add brussel sprouts and cook on medium
Stir occasionally (if need be add more bacon grease)
While brussel sprouts are cooking, dice bacon
After 7-10 minutes, add bacon to brussel sprouts
Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey (this step is optional) and mix
Cook for 3-5 more minutes (or longer- all depends on how you like your brussel sprouts
From here, you can go ahead and enjoy them….or you can roast them for 8-10 minutes in the oven at 350 °F.
If you're still reading:
This was a HUGE hit with my husband... I will be making a double batch next time! In fact, he suggested I start making it 2-3 times a week (this won't be happening) but that means he really liked it!
I paired it with baked chicken legs.